We Help Provide Affordable Housing Property Management in London
Arnsby Property Management believes that all individuals have the right to housing; we have been providing management services to non-profit housing providers for several decades. We work along with the Board of Directors who form Housing Corporations with a mission to provide safe, affordable social housing for the community in London.
Arnsby Property Management has developed strong relationships with the Housing Access Centre (HAC), Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), the Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association (ONPHA) and local municipalities to ensure affordable housing within the community. Our portfolio includes various types of apartments, townhouses consisting of affordable, non-profit and cooperative projects. Our knowledgeable teams have taken Projects in Distress into thriving communities.
Arnsby Property Management is well versed with the Social Housing Act and is confident in our ability to provide our clients with the highest level of service.
How to Apply for Social Housing
Your Local Housing Access Centre (HAC) provides information, takes applications and maintains the waitlist on behalf of the housing providers for social housing. To apply for social housing you must complete an Application package for Rent-Geared-To-Income housing.
To qualify for social housing applicants must:
Be 16 years of age or older and be able to live independently.
No member of the household has a deportation order, departure or exclusion order under the Immigration Act.
Each member must be a Canadian Citizen, Landed Immigrant, or Refugee Claimant.
No member of the household owes arrears, for either rent or damage to any social housing provider.
Overview Steps on how to apply for Social Housing Rent-geared-toincome housing:
The Application package consists of the following three (3) categories: Adult (household with no dependents), Family (household with dependents) and seniors (household age 60+ or 65+).
Main Application for RGI Housing Form
Building Selection Forms
You may qualify for Special Priority Status or Urgent Status.
Priority Forms
Urgent Application Forms
Request for Urgent Homeless Status Form
Request for Urgent Medical Status Form
Request for Urgent Social Status Form
Additional Application Forms
Submit your forms and documents to your local Housing Access Centre. It takes several weeks for an application to be processed. Once you have been determined eligible for social housing you will be placed on the waiting list for each building complex you selected. Due to high demand for subsidized housing the wait may take several years.
Links to your local Housing Access Centre
Please find below some helpful references provided by Arnsby Property Management. Have questions about these or other issues? Contact our office for more information or to discuss how we can be assistance.
City of London Housing Division
Housing Access Center London (HAC)
Finding Social and Affordable Housing in London
Region of Waterloo:
Applying for Social Housing in the Region of Waterloo

Social Housing Living in Southwestern Ontario
Please find below some helpful references provided by Arnsby Property Management. Have questions about these or other issues? Contact our office for more information or to discuss how we can be assistance.
Forms Relating to Your Tenancy
Please find below some helpful references provided by Arnsby Property Management. Have questions about these or other issues? Contact our office for more information or to discuss how we can be of assistance.
Arnsby Property Managements’ goal is to work along with the Board of Directors to achieve safe, affordable housing for the community. Our Team is Geared to Income Administration certified under the Housing Service Act and our continuous education on Risk Management, Building Condition Assessment, Replacement Reserve Fund Study and other related courses offered by the Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association (ONPHA) is the key to our success.
Arnsby Property Management believes continuous interaction with the Board of Directors regarding Governance, Procedures and Policies contributes to our success. Every Board of Directors has an important role and Arnsby Property Management works together to provide housing for the community. We are confident in our ability to provide our clients with the highest level of service.